Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How to Earn 5 figure(or even 6 figure) income?

We all start MLM as a blank slate.
It's our experiences that shade our
perceptions. Our first impression of network
marketing is one of magic and wonder. We see
huge checks and financial dreams realized and
in that moment we see that possibility for

In that instant, our lives are forever
transformed. A new journey begins. We're
incredibly impressionable at this point in
our development.

We look for leadership and follow the advice
we're given quite blindly for better or
worse. To follow, success stories are created
and many fall by the wayside.

But, no matter where you are now, understand
each day we begin a new - equal opportunity
for new success and new troubles to surface.

I'd like you consider this message the first
for today's blank slate.

I'd like to share with you a few ideas that I
want you to consider. Not to follow blindly,
but to consider in the context of your
experiences and where you dream to be.

I think if you do this, what you'll find is
what I share here will help move you to the
next stage in your business, but you be the
judge . . .

First some stats . . .

-Most network marketers fail in the first 30
to 60 days.

-If a new rep earns an income in this period
they remain in the industry over twice as
long as those that do not earn a profit in
this early phase.

-Those network marketers that remain with
their chosen company for five years or more
have more than an 80% chance of becoming a
top income earner with their chosen business.

-We also know that network marketing is a
highly leverage business. One that takes some
time to create long term leveraged residual
income, but here's what I didn't get at the
beginning . . .

Our early actions determine our outcome.

If we're taught to buy and call leads each of
our probable chance of success decreases


Not because it's not a skill that can't be

There are many who have mastered and used it
to become highly successful.

More so, because the act of buying leads
means you're expending additional capitol
early to develop a skill that is hard earned.

Most of use go deep in the whole financially
to try to master this skill because it's all
we're ever really exposed to as a blueprint
for success.

This is dangerous in my opinion because for
ever dollar spent it's another dollar that
must be recouped to gain profit, and the
clock is ticking . . .

60 days most network marketers won't break
even when considering the additional
expends without an immediately efficient
profit model. Sure a few may recruit a person
or two, but that's a long way from realizing
real profit on a balance sheet.

In other words we end spending about $500 to
make $50 our first few months in the game.

We unknowingly create negative leverage in
our business doing this.

We're expending capitol while giving up
control of our advertising to someone else.

Paying for and then calling leads of dubious
and uncontrollable quality one at a time in
an effort to bring them into our
"organization" where we'll make a small
percentage of our expenses back in the short
term is like having a dump truck dig a whole
while we try to refill it with our hands.

It would take a Herculean effort to ever get
the job.

I didn't understand this when I began. I just
"knew" that if I did what I was told it was
going to work because that's what I was told.

How do we resolve this issue? Here's how I

First off . . .

Have as much control over your business as
possible, from lead generation to lead
communication to monetization.

Second . . .

Think first of how to reduce expenses to a
minimum early to increase the likelihood of
early profit.

Third . . .

Have profit models for your business that
provide, most importantly from the outset,
instant and low risk profit. Concern yourself
with this task first and long term residual
income later.


If you profit now you stand a much greater
chance of profiting and creating long term
leveraged residual profit later.

Fourth . . .

Think in terms of leverage. Proactively
search out ways to automate as much of what
you do as possible so that you can focus on
the most important task of lead generation.

Fifth . . .

Think in terms of simplicity. Where
duplication is concerned, the simpler the
system you can create that produces results
the more likely those results will be
duplicated and long term residual income
growth will be achieved.

When i look at what I have been doing so far,
this is what i discovered..

The simpler the system, the easier to get in people, with
no hoops to jump through. And i discovered Stay Home
Millionaires Club.

A measly fee of $30 to join, and if they bring in 2 people
the same month they join, they cover their cost(fast track
bonus of $20 each)..how can you lose in this business where
when you get 3 people under you, it's practically free!!!

It's just pure profit from there
