Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Why I joined StayHomeMillionairesClub

Sunday, May 3, 2009

1st Letter to Club Millionaire members

Hello future millionaires,
I am Daniel,the upline mentor you have access to, besides Dennis Bay. This is my 1st message to all of you, so congratulations for being part of SHMC and Club Millionaires.

In CM, basically this is a roundtable for those who have been in our business and bringing in people. We have a couple of "honorary members"(those are are interested but have not joined SHMC) who are just looking at what we are doing, and whether we are in serious business.

Those who have been with me since the beginning knows how I work. I only want to motivate..but actually there is NO such thing. Everyone has to be self-motivated. For those who have talked to me knows me as a very self-motivated person. But i am hoping it justs get rubbed on. Whilst it may not be as infectious as the H1N1 virus, I am still hoping to find gems amongst you, direct or indirect.

This business, i believe in the core of my spirit, will help bring people out of their dire circumstances. Look at how it is done. Purely by leveraging on people's efforts. What do I mean by that? With an investment of a mere $46 per month, you have an income potential of $44284.50, by just having 29,523 under you. The number may overwhelm you, but thats the truth. You are basically leveraging on this huge number. I'm am flabbergasted when people don't see that, and it's a real pity. Moreover, once you get 3 people under you, it's FREE people..so you don't need to fork out a cent(there are no hidden costs unless u want to do advertising)..how is that for a business proposition!

Which business can you get into with such a low outlay, and still can make yr investment back and make a profit in your very 1st month?All you need to do is get 2 in your 1st month, and subsequent months, 1 each..that's not a difficult thing to do, is it? Heck u throw a stone in the street, and possibly that person may just join you.

Seriously speaking, all you need to do is tap the people around you. Can be yr friend,family,cousins,ex-colleagues,mailman,..just anybody! This SHMC gives them a chance to learn internet marketing, and help them make money by promoting not only this product but any product you wish to sell on the net. Also, as this IM product is linked with Network marketing, you get a regular income every month.

BUt people, this is a PEOPLE business, so don't approach people like you got something to sell. To date I have not done it, but when people ask me what I do, i just tell them i'm an internet marketeer, even thou i do other businesses. This somehow creates an interest and let them ask you questions..but you have to build relationships, with people. People buy because they like you. And people don't like to be sold..so stop acting as a SALESMAN!

The way I look at SHMC is a one-stop means to learn everything u know about internet marketing. In fact, i wouldn't have minded paying $46 monthly just to learn what's inside. Just a year ago, i wanted to go for a course a,d that too offered by a friend, and that was $1500..and anotr friend wanted to sell me a ticket to attend a IM seminar for $2500.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the TRUE value of what you are paying for a measly $46. And YET, people hesitate to even have a look. And why is that? Because they still do not see what YOU see. As my club members, you are destined to be a success, because you have a mentor in me. And it is in my personal ambition to see you be successful!

You see my friends, i have been through much hardships in life. There was a time when i had only $2 in my pocket, and no one I could ask for help. Maybe it was my pride that prevented me to ask, or false humility. But i resolved myself that i would alleviate myself from being poor and help others out of that too. So instead of teaching a man how to fish with a stick,line and a hook, i teach him to use, well,the net(pun intended)

That has been my goal ever since. You all have come to the right place, and i urge you guys to give me a call if you have any problems,doubts or questions. And I also urge you to ask your downline to come in as well, so this will be a place where we can hang out and share our war stories.

I never said this is going to be easy, but with consistent work and energy, putting aside time for this(10 hrs a week only), i can guarantee, you can earn a 4-figure income in 12 months.How does that work out? well, if you follow my formula of having just 1 person a month, you would have 2048 people under you, so thats US$2048 based on yr matrix bonus..then don't forget you have your 12 leaders rite?so from each you will be earning your matching bonus(which is 10% of what they earn).Remember when u earn $2048 in yr 12th mnth,your leaders are also earning as well, so it all adds up!

I am sure you are smart enough to do the math. As i say to my prospects, please tell me how you can fail in this business.

If you think you can, if you think you can't, Your are RIGHT!..but i believe you can! You are in the right place, at the right time, with the right mentor.

God bless
Daniel Anil Das
Success Mentor


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How to Earn 5 figure(or even 6 figure) income?

We all start MLM as a blank slate.
It's our experiences that shade our
perceptions. Our first impression of network
marketing is one of magic and wonder. We see
huge checks and financial dreams realized and
in that moment we see that possibility for

In that instant, our lives are forever
transformed. A new journey begins. We're
incredibly impressionable at this point in
our development.

We look for leadership and follow the advice
we're given quite blindly for better or
worse. To follow, success stories are created
and many fall by the wayside.

But, no matter where you are now, understand
each day we begin a new - equal opportunity
for new success and new troubles to surface.

I'd like you consider this message the first
for today's blank slate.

I'd like to share with you a few ideas that I
want you to consider. Not to follow blindly,
but to consider in the context of your
experiences and where you dream to be.

I think if you do this, what you'll find is
what I share here will help move you to the
next stage in your business, but you be the
judge . . .

First some stats . . .

-Most network marketers fail in the first 30
to 60 days.

-If a new rep earns an income in this period
they remain in the industry over twice as
long as those that do not earn a profit in
this early phase.

-Those network marketers that remain with
their chosen company for five years or more
have more than an 80% chance of becoming a
top income earner with their chosen business.

-We also know that network marketing is a
highly leverage business. One that takes some
time to create long term leveraged residual
income, but here's what I didn't get at the
beginning . . .

Our early actions determine our outcome.

If we're taught to buy and call leads each of
our probable chance of success decreases


Not because it's not a skill that can't be

There are many who have mastered and used it
to become highly successful.

More so, because the act of buying leads
means you're expending additional capitol
early to develop a skill that is hard earned.

Most of use go deep in the whole financially
to try to master this skill because it's all
we're ever really exposed to as a blueprint
for success.

This is dangerous in my opinion because for
ever dollar spent it's another dollar that
must be recouped to gain profit, and the
clock is ticking . . .

60 days most network marketers won't break
even when considering the additional
expends without an immediately efficient
profit model. Sure a few may recruit a person
or two, but that's a long way from realizing
real profit on a balance sheet.

In other words we end spending about $500 to
make $50 our first few months in the game.

We unknowingly create negative leverage in
our business doing this.

We're expending capitol while giving up
control of our advertising to someone else.

Paying for and then calling leads of dubious
and uncontrollable quality one at a time in
an effort to bring them into our
"organization" where we'll make a small
percentage of our expenses back in the short
term is like having a dump truck dig a whole
while we try to refill it with our hands.

It would take a Herculean effort to ever get
the job.

I didn't understand this when I began. I just
"knew" that if I did what I was told it was
going to work because that's what I was told.

How do we resolve this issue? Here's how I

First off . . .

Have as much control over your business as
possible, from lead generation to lead
communication to monetization.

Second . . .

Think first of how to reduce expenses to a
minimum early to increase the likelihood of
early profit.

Third . . .

Have profit models for your business that
provide, most importantly from the outset,
instant and low risk profit. Concern yourself
with this task first and long term residual
income later.


If you profit now you stand a much greater
chance of profiting and creating long term
leveraged residual profit later.

Fourth . . .

Think in terms of leverage. Proactively
search out ways to automate as much of what
you do as possible so that you can focus on
the most important task of lead generation.

Fifth . . .

Think in terms of simplicity. Where
duplication is concerned, the simpler the
system you can create that produces results
the more likely those results will be
duplicated and long term residual income
growth will be achieved.

When i look at what I have been doing so far,
this is what i discovered..

The simpler the system, the easier to get in people, with
no hoops to jump through. And i discovered Stay Home
Millionaires Club.

A measly fee of $30 to join, and if they bring in 2 people
the same month they join, they cover their cost(fast track
bonus of $20 each)..how can you lose in this business where
when you get 3 people under you, it's practically free!!!

It's just pure profit from there


Monday, March 30, 2009

George Foreman,Boxer,Preacher,Businessman

George Foreman has three fundamentals of business success: selling, integrity, and "the shotgun tactic." Over a lifetime, Foreman has created the kind of well-rounded success that most people dream of. He is a profitable businessman, a community leader, a husband and a father. His life is full, but more importantly to Foreman, his life is meaningful.

With nearly 100 million George Foreman Grills sold since 1995, Foreman has had enormous influence in the wellness industry. He is also one of the highest-paid and most recognized celebrity endorsers in the world.

In 1999, Foreman signed a $137.5 million deal with Salton Inc. (recently merged with Applica Incorporated), entitling the grill manufacturer to global, unrestricted use of Foreman’s name in marketing the Lean, Mean, Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine and related products. The deal made Michael Jordan’s $40 million deal with Nike look small by comparison.

Before his endorsement of the grills, Foreman made business deals based primarily on a desire for income. “I was so successful,” he says. “All the ads I had done for sausages, you name it, [I was] mainly thinking about money. But then I went into the grill business.” He took the grills all over the country, making personal appearances and boosting sales. “I was meeting people who would say, ‘The doctor told me to get a George!’ I’m like, what are they talking about? Get a George?” He realized his product was making a difference in people’s health, and his perspective changed. “From that point on, you know, I can never go back to what I used to do where I just sell and sell,” he says. “Now everything I do has to be connected to something healthy.”

The Importance of Selling
Of course, Foreman’s business success started with his success as an athlete. Born in 1949 in Marshall, Texas, Foreman, nicknamed “Big George,” was one of seven children in a struggling home. By the time he was 15, he was a street thug and mugger in Houston’s dangerous 5th Ward. His life changed when he left for California to join the Job Corps and was introduced to the discipline of boxing. In 1968, Foreman won the Olympic Gold medal in Mexico City, in only his 25th amateur fight. A world champion was born.

Within a few years of turning professional, Foreman’s record was 37 wins—most by knockout—and no losses. In 1973, he defeated Joe Frazier to become heavyweight champion of the world. Despite his fame, he maintained a cold distance from the public, and his surly demeanor earned him occasional boos in the ring. He defended his title twice before losing it to Muhammad Ali in the “Rumble in the Jungle” in 1974.

A few years later, Foreman announced what he thought was his retirement. A religious awakening led him to pursue a life in the church. He didn’t know at the time that the seeds of his business success lay in these days of personal transformation.

“It started because I left boxing in 1977 and worked in evangelism at a church in Marshall,” he says. Foreman had made a fortune in boxing, but now turned his attention fully to his faith. “I spent all my time preaching with lots of money. Lots of money.” But he didn’t preach like a rich man. He spent countless nights out on the streets of Houston, in all weather. Just as in his boxing career, he was relentless.

He also made good on a personal pledge to help at-risk youth, just as he had been helped during his early days as a teenage thug. After he joined the Job Corps, a counselor saw young George’s potential and got him involved in boxing, possibly saving him from a life of crime or jail or worse. Foreman wanted to provide the same kind of opportunities for young people and in 1984 founded The George Foreman Youth & Community Center, which offers scholastic and athletic activities including, of course, boxing.

But 10 years after he left boxing, he says he looked up and was on the verge of bankruptcy. “I had to go back into boxing for our survival, to feed my family.” Fortunately, his years spent preaching on the streets of Houston had taught him valuable lessons that would carry him into a second career as a businessman. “What I found was the 10 years I was out of boxing, I was preaching on the street corner and I’d make people stop. They didn’t know me,” he says, “the old George with an afro and all that. So I realized I could stop these people, who are always headed somewhere, for a second and sell my message. That’s what I learned to do on the street corner.”

He tried applying his newfound skills in the boxing world. “So I went back to boxing trying to sell the old George Foreman heavyweight champion of the world,” he says. “Nobody wanted to buy it, though.” Foreman was 38 when he returned to the ring, a tough sell for any athletic comeback. But the man in front of the camera this time wasn’t cool or removed. He had a gentleness about him that contrasted his toughness in the ring, and that appealed to the public.

“In time, I learned the importance of selling,” he says. Foreman realized he had power outside the ring to influence how people viewed him. In 1994, at the age of 44, Foreman reclaimed the heavyweight title. “That’s when people started to say, ‘This guy can sell himself. Let’s let him sell Doritos or Kentucky Fried or McDonald’s.’ ” And sell, he did. In addition to promoting these companies, Foreman became the spokesman for Meineke Car Care Centers. The boxer and preacher was now an advertiser’s dream come true.

But he says his athletic ability was less a factor in his business success than his selling skills. “If you learn to sell, it’s worth more than a degree,” he says.” It’s worth more than the heavyweight championship of the world. It’s even more important than having a million dollars in the bank. Learn to sell and you’ll never starve.”

Integrity: His Greatest Asset
“The greatest asset, even in this country, is not oil and gas,” Foreman says. “It’s integrity. Everyone is searching for it, asking, ‘Who can I do business with that I can trust?’ ”

By 1994, Foreman’s life was again on the upswing. When he took the opportunity to endorse what is now the George Foreman Lean, Mean, Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine, he found a new drive to help people improve their lives by improving their health. Now he won’t settle for anything less when it comes to endorsements. “One of the biggest things is to fight,” he says. “Just don’t go absolutely for the buck.”

Foreman learned after his fi rst retirement that to go back into boxing he had to protect the brand of George Foreman. “So now I understand you must preserve the quality of your name, your integrity,” he says. “You don’t want to lie about anything. And it’s something that people will be happy about once they get to know you. Because people count on you. You know, a contract you can easily break. I’ve found in business, everyone signs a contract to make a business deal, and they always leave a loophole so they can break them.

Foreman says people with integrity are in high demand. “There are a lot of guys who are successful, they make a lot of big money, I mean millions overnight with a contract, and they don’t understand the evaporation. It evaporates. You’re always back to square one. I found that out, so integrity is how I do business. That’s my main asset.”

This attitude is one he intends to impart to his kids. He has 10 children—five with his current wife, Mary “Joan” Martelly. George III, nicknamed “Monk,” is Foreman’s business manager. “Your children are looking at exactly what you do,” he says. “You’ve got to believe in something. And you’ve got a line that you can’t cross. I point this out.

“I’ll give you an example. I had the opportunity to go into the restaurant business. A chain of restaurants, the George Foreman restaurants. And it was an opportunity right out to make lots of money.” But Foreman is opposed to selling liquor in his establishments, in accordance with his religious beliefs. “And they said, ‘Well, this is what will make more profi ts. You can just donate them to charity.’ I said, ‘No, I can’t do that.’ And my sons, who were in business with me, watching me put this deal together, they could not understand it. They just couldn’t understand. Not to say that they have to have the same feelings I have about things. But at least have something you believe in and you cannot be talked out of by dollars and cents. And that’s what I try to pass on.”

The Old Shotgun Tactic
Foreman is approached by hundreds of potential business partners every year. He reviews offers daily with George III, and asks for input from his wife and children before he signs a deal. So how does he choose from all the opportunities he sees? “I call it the old shotgun tactic,” he says. “My grandfather used to go out hunting during the days of the Depression. The good shooters, the marksmen, shot with one shell.” But during the Great Depression, you couldn’t put all your bets on one bullet because those bullets were expensive. “If you missed the squirrel, so to speak, you don’t have anything but an excuse on the table,” Foreman says. “But if you buy these cheap shots, which are buckshots, they scatter. You come back in with a squirrel. Although you got a lot of buckshot in it, you got a decent meal on the table.

“So now I use the same thing, although you’ve got to be selective because you have a name to protect.” Foreman believes that one of the many opportunities he investigates will hit it big. “You know you put out a lot of buckshot, you’re going to strike one,” he says. “You’ve got to start out early in the morning and look at hundreds, literally hundreds of things, looking for that quality. And it may take a year, it may take three or four years, but you’re going to hit something so you have something to put on the table for your family.”

Foreman’s company, George Foreman Enterprises, consistently strikes new deals for products and services that meet Foreman’s requirements of being high-quality and beneficial to the consumer. He has lent his name to a line of clothing for big and t a l l men sold by Casual Male and endorsed a new brand of shoes for diabetics by InStride as well as a health-food restaurant chain called UFood Grill.

“And then we have the green cleaning products, which I’ve been working on for a couple years,” he says. “We finally got it absolutely, totally biodegradable.” He hopes that using biodegradable products, like George Foreman’s Knock-Out Household Cleaning System, will help preserve the land for his grandchildren. His other hope is that the established cleaning-product manufacturers will follow suit. “This is going to be so good it’s going to make the big companies jealous, and they’re going to outdo me. And I still win,” he says. “I still win. Because it makes the planet much better.”

But it doesn’t end there. Through Foreman’s Web site, visitors can purchase cookbooks, memoirs and autographed boxing gloves. His 10 books, three of which were published by Thomas Nelson in the last two years, offer inspirational insights into life, comebacks and fatherhood. And then there are the grills. The newest version, the 360 Grill, is selling well and is one of several George Foreman brand small kitchen appliances, including the Lean Mean Fryer for reduced-fat frying and the Grill & Roast for convection cooking.

He’s also become a star of the small screen; his reality series Family Foreman starring him and his family debuted in 2008 on the cable channel TV Land, and an ABC sitcom starring Foreman ran for nine episodes in 1993-94.

Foreman has succeeded in creating more than a brand. He has created a relationship with consumers based on integrity and a gift for making the sale. This relationship allows him to transfer his brand to a wide range of products and succeed in staying diversified. “The bottom line is, you make a decision you’ll be able to sleep with, wake up the next day, look in the mirror and feel good about yourself,” Foreman says.

“You want to leave something, you really do,” he says. “I mean, in the end, statues and all those things, that doesn’t mean anything. Leave something that we’re all going to benefit from. I think that’s what I’d like to do.

Apply Foreman's philosophies for success in your life:

1. Belief: "You have to have something you believe in. It could be someone you believe in, too. But at least have something you believe in and you cannot be talked out of by dollars and cents."
2. Integrity: "You must preserve the quality of your name, your integrity. You don't want to lie about anything. And it's something that people will be happy about once they get to know you. Because people count on you."
3. Sales: "Learn to sell and you'll never starve."
4. Resilience: "You're going to fail if you do enough business. But you can always come back because you've got some integrity, and people need that."
5. Persistence: "It may take a year, it may take three or four years, but you're going to hit something so you have something to put on the table for your family."
6. Legacy: "You want to leave something, you really do. I mean, in the end, statues and all those things, they don't mean anything. Leave something that we're all going to benefit from."

Monday, March 23, 2009

Things You Should Be Mindful Of:-Part 3-Relationships


Galatians 5:14
For the whole Law [concerning human relationships] is complied with in the one precept, You shall love your neighbor as [you do] yourself.

# I create positive and supportive relationships

#I treat everyone with kindness and respect

#I spend quality time with people I enjoy

#I connect people with people I love

#I give my love unconditionally

#I love myself

Internalise this

Monday, March 16, 2009

Things You Should Be Mindful of-Part 2:Health

Isaiah 38:15-17

"15But what can I say? For He has both spoken to me and He Himself has done it. I must go softly [as in solemn procession] all my years and my sleep has fled because of the bitterness of my soul.

16O Lord, by these things men live; and in all these is the life of my spirit. O give me back my health and make me live!

17Behold, it was for my peace that I had intense bitterness; but You have loved back my life from the pit of corruption and nothingness, for You have cast all my sins behind Your back. "

I am in perfect health

I have abundant energy

I am fit and in great shape

I am at my ideal weight

I eat healthy and nutritious food

I live long and strong

(Repeat it 5 times a day till you can sat it backwards)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Things You Should Be Mindful of-Part 1:Money

Programming your mind is an everyday thing. Just like you expect fresh manna from Jesus everyday, and that His compasssion and faithfulness are new every morning(Lamentations 3:22-23)

When you are destined to reign in life(Rom 5:17), it starts of with belief. Believe that you are rich,beyond your wildest imaginations. Think,and therefore,BE. Be the rich-man inside you first,and you WILL become the Rich-man outside,one day.

Think,say to yourself,that you are a Multi-Millionaire, that my income and wealth will grow quickly.That money comes easily to me,Lucrative opportunities ALWAYS come my way.That I can earn a passive income, and be financially free.

But as a follower of Christ, all i do, is to the one simple thing: to seek first Jesus and know my righteousness through Him, and ALL these things(health,wealth,EVERYTHING) will be given to me. (Matt 6:33)

Internalise this..

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Stay Home Millionaires Club

So I finally met Dennis Bay. He's the CEO of Stay Home Millionaires Club. It's nice to finally meet a person who's face can be put to a business that's online. I have had a long chat with him,to know his dreams, his desires, and I can see why he is doing this to help people to have a chance in making money from the internet.

If you need to know more, go to http://DAD.stayhomemillionairesclub.com

Friday, January 23, 2009

Recession?What Recession?

I've been hearing nothing but the word "recession" popping out everytime when i switch on the news.

Really, does it bother me at all?

I only feel bad for the folks who are going to bear the brunt of it. And that's a majority of people from the top ranks to the bottom, only leaving a handful who may not be privy to this recession process.

Who may these people be?

Well, i hear that if you are working in government agencies,you may be safe..really? maybe the singapore government..especially when there was a recent massive advertising for teachers. So teachers are "safe"

Maybe there might be true to some aspect.

Who else?

I really can't think of any, so if you have let me know..

I know this "bunch" of people who will still make money inspite of the recession. Those are my internet network marketeers friends. I mean,leave the creature comfort alone. Just based on the leveraging of time, people and effort, most make money that many envy.

And if there's is a time to learn or be involved in this business, it's NOW

It's TIME!

Learn more from www.LHNinternational.com/danielanildas

to see a compensation plan that will blow your mind,(show me a company please, that will give you up to 100% pay-out)

that is absolutely F*R*E*E to join (some things can be FREE)

that allow you to make upto $5000+ with just 34o people(yeah, not all of them are yours!)

This is NOT a SCAM! unless you prove otherwise

Cheers and let's sail this through, so called "recession"

Friday, January 16, 2009

DO NOT Make These 10 HUGE Blunders in 2009!! Network Marketing NO-NO'S

This will with either be a “here we go again year,” or a “let’s go do something different” year.

This year is going to be an incredible year.

But Unfortunately, many Networkers are going to be again, struggling, because they are going to be making some critical mistakes.

May I suggest that you do not make these 10 HUGE blunders in 2009. If you make any of them, it will cost you dearly and more than you probably are aware of.

Ok…what are the 10 Biggest Mistakes made in 2009 by Network Marketers?

1) Listening to People Who Have Never Succeed.


People that have never really succeeded at anything in their life suddenly become the authority on Success, and try to talk you out of this wonderful industry. Do NOT let that happen, as that is like listening to a garage mechanic when you have a serious heart problem- or a tree farmer when you have need of surgery- or vice versa.

Listen to those who have done it and are willing to help you.

2) Talking About Last Year Constantly.

Folks- last year is OVER. MOVE ON. Do NOT dwell in the past. It is history. LEARN from the past- but do not live in it. It simply is too damaging to your dreams in 2009.

The secret to succeeding during hard times is keeping you and your prospects- FORWAARD FOCUSED. Keep them looking toward where you are TAKING THEM- not what has already taken them.

3) Saying You are Going to Keep Trying.

THAT is a mistake as trying in network marketing and is bound for mediocrity and will never be anything except the language for the failure. There is no TRY- it is either ENGAGE- to not. It is either TAKE ACTION or not in 2009. If you take action saying “I am going to try,” then what you are really saying is “I am going to give half hearted effort and see what happens.”

How about- “I am going to hit this one out of the park in 2009- na matter what anyone says. I am finished trying- I am now in the Triumph Mode!”

People will FEEL that from you- and respond accordingly. People follow winners and Leaders.

4) Talking to the Same Market.

Get out of your comfort zone in your market- and go find some people you don’t know and change their lives. Quit talking with people in the same mindset as everyone else that has told you NO. Get out- interrupt your pattern you have developed- and start a new one. Get Uncomfortable- as that is the secret to Success in a Home Business. Talk to people you do not know to stretch your possibilities and grow your skills.

Hold 2 Conversations a day with NEW people you do not know. CONNECT with them in the social media arena, or out in the grocery store. Now you are talking a wealth mindset.

The 2 Most important 2 words in 2009: “New Conversations.”

5) Continuing using the Same language as last Year.

Many people will continue to talk themselves out of this business. They will continue to say, “I hope this works,” “Well, I will see what happens,” “I am just not good at this.”

WRONG! You are GREAT at this!

Release that part of you deep inside. Quit talking the language of the Mediocre and putting yourself down. When you do that, unknowingly, you are programming yourself for that to happen.

Change your language- and focus. Start focusing on what you are going to SUCCEED at. Start talking your “Success Language.” “This year is going to be the best year of my life- and my business is going to be INCREDIBLE- no matter what recession happens. I am going to show people how to thrive during it.”

6) Going the Same Places as Last year.

Change your locations that you do business this year. WHAT??? I LOVE My grocery store. Great. Just go to a different one for some frozen food and start new conversations with people you do not know.

This year your Huge Success will be hidden in conversations that you were afraid to Start.

7) Thinking You are a Part Time Distributor or Consultant.

You are in a part time wealth vehicle. And you are NOT just a part time rep. You are working a secondary business that will give you this year your primary income. (READ THAT AGAIN.)

If you just got that- then people will start feeling something totally different in your words- and start responding in a different manner as well.

You have to leave your kids and family to work this business as it needs to be worked.

Wrong. You do NOT have to constantly leave your life and go and work this business leaving your family behind. That is a formula for stress and guilt. You work this business as you live your life. You take it with you. You leave it behind with people. You let it talk while you do what you do when you are living your life.

It is called ‘Lifestyle Marketing.” You live your lifestyle and work your business as you do. Let off the pressure and guilt. Live your life- and take your business with you and talk to people as you are out and about. Talk to people about who they know. Talk to people about how you love your secondary business- as it is portable and flexible.

Much better. People will be thinking, ” Now, I can do THAT!”

9) Following Up, and NOT Following Through.

Most people do not know this, but when you think “follow up,” you are totally agenda driven and people FEEL that in your words and in your actions. It has a “I want something” tone to it.

A “Follow through” is a shift- and it is not wanting something- but COMPLETING something. And psychologically, people will respond to that in a much more powerful fashion. We taught that to our Leaders for years- and they ‘got it.”

The secret to Tiger Woods’ mind boggling golf game- according to him- is his Follow Through. If your follow through is great, everything before it worked too. He COMPLETES the golf swing- not just takes one.

Follow through has a whole different feel to the prospect than follow up. If you do that, you will see what I mean. People LOVE the Feeling of someone completing something.

Why? Many folks simply do not so that.

10) Thinking it is what you DO that will create Success for you in 2009.

Let me be clear about something- ALL actions taken produce results. Right or Wrong. Most people ge the wrong results continually.


It is NOT about taking action that will produce Success for you in 2009. Millions will take action and still struggle in their home business- with network marketing, social media, internet marketing, and whatever they do.

It is NOT about Action- but what is BEHIND it. It is not that a race car can go 250 miles per hours that is pushing it. It is what is behind it and inside of it that makes that possible. Same way for an athlete. It is what is BEHIND the action and Inside of it that drives it. It is the same way in a great presentation. It is the emotion BEHIND it that drives it. Same way in Networking.

It is how you PURPOSELY SEE the result in your mind-which then takes over and influences your actions dramatically-almost “programming” of sorts what will happen. It is kind of cool how God made that, and it really is powerful.

Image the result that you want in an action and then once you have soaked your brain with it continually- then take it- expecting that result. If it does not work a once- keep going, it will. Been doing that for years.

Actions are great to take- no doubt- but Imaged Actions are the type of actions that TAKE YOU- to a whole new level of result.

These are the Top 10 Mistakes that Many Distributors will make in 2009.

May I suggest that you do not in your Network marketing business.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Follow me please


Please do click on the follower button to keep track of my latest posts, so that you are up to date of my blog.

Is there really a reason to follow this blog?

I really can't think of any actually. Why would anybody bother to follow whatever i say or do?Why would anybody be interested? Is there a real value in all this ramblings? or is it just a plain waste of time?

Does it encourage the hidden voyeuristic tendencies?

I really don't know..what i'm hoping to achieve is that i may share a nugget or two here, that may encourage someone.

Yesterday, one of my pastor friend and me got together for a meal. Along the way, he mentioned that before we knew each other face to face, we were corresponding through emails for a year. He didn't know me from Adam, but whatever i wrote to him encouraged him in his most downest time. Is that even remotely possible?How would i know what's happening to him, let alone give him encouraging words?

I came to a sudden realisation. It's not US but the one who's in us, that put the thoughts or words in us, to encourage another person. For a self-absorbed person to be saying this, you can guess it the One who's in us, is greater than the pne who's in this world.

Jesus, thank you for using me to speak into someone's life. I'm all yours, and I WILL follow you. How nice it is that you have a "Follow Me" button

Looker or Leader

NOTE: Before you read my note, please do not see this list as a hierarchy. Whether you are a Looker or Leader or any other CATEGORY, you can find significant success in networking. What is most important is to find your niche and then recruit all of the categories (below) to your TEAM. Blessings, and love people's feedback. This list has created some GREAT conversations.

In networking, we recognize the importance of being a leader. But what is a leader? I have often explained that leadership is a choice but to be honest there are stages of networking. I am going to give it my best shot at explaining the different categories of growth in networking.

It is my sincere desire that many people will recognize where they are at in their evolution of networking, as well as, where they would like to be. Not everyone is going to want to be a leader, or any other specific category listed. Again, it is my hope that you will find a category where you say, “That is exactly where I want to be in my business”. There are no limitations in life or networking…smile.

1. LOOKER – even if you don’t know you are looking

You are not in a networking business. The “Looker” is an individual who is open to looking at opportunities. Two of the largest groups are:

• The Consumer who is normally introduced to an opportunity by purchasing a product. This individual may decide to also choose to distribute for a company. This is also quite often done from a product perspective.
• The Entrepreneur is an individual who is looking for an opportunity to work from home. The focus of this person can be product focused, business focused, or both.


You have chose your business and you are at the beginning of your career in networking. You have great enthusiasm and wonderful dreams. You are learning the art of “inviting” people from your warm market to your business. You will normally need some support from more senior networkers on how to explain the business opportunity to your “warm market”. You may also start to expand your inviting into “cold markets” and I have even seen some people venture into their “Chicken List” at this stage.

Areas of Development: You are working on creating a contact database. You are beginning to read and learn as much as you can about the business opportunity that you are in.


The more inviting we do, the more we start to understand the “art” of recruiting. We are starting to fully formulate the importance of dialogue, relationships and asking questions. Recruiting is a very addictive stage of networking. It can be challenging and intimidating but the “ah ha” moment normally comes when we realize that it is just a simple process (really).

This is a stage of networking that can really make or break an individuals business. It is a huge area where many people have “full stops”. What most people think is that recruiting is sales. It is difficult for some people (many) to come outside of their comfort zone to be able to approach people. Recruiting can be done:

• Face-to-face: people you meet in person
• Phone: this does include cold calling
• Web/Computer: social networking; blogging; etc.
• All of the above

Recruiting is also a stage that many people really enjoy staying in. For those people who just enjoy meeting and interacting with other people, they can grow their business significantly as a recruiter. I do recommend that they get upline support in training, management, and leadership to support their team though.

Areas of Development: In the recruiter stage of networking, many people spend time on furthering their education on networking techniques and dialogue.


I debated where to add this category. I am adding it in after recruiter but some people will definitely move their specialty/strengths into their business in the inviting stage.

What is specialty/strengths all about? We all have innate strengths. Some people are excellent writers, some people have degrees or existing careers that assist to expedite the success of their home-based business.

When we move our specialty into our business, we bring that strength of “What we do great.” to our business.

Many people struggle with this category. I have people say, “Bev, I am not really someone who has great strengths.” Truly, we all have strengths, and whether we are closet case writers, the socialite, the computer geek, or the care-giver, I can promise you, we all have strengths. If you don’t know your strengths, ask your friends to tell you how they would explain your strengths.

Areas of Development: Many people who are developing their personal strengths will be developing more knowledge in their area of specialty. For example, someone who is a strong writer may develop more knowledge on how to write effective blog articles.


OK, so you have advanced from inviter, to recruiter, and you are applying your special strengths to your business. You are now at the stage where you want to show others how to build their business.

Trainers are so important to health and success of a business. Why? If you are doing all the work and not showing people how to do what you are doing, your business is in potential peril zone. Why? Network marketing opportunities are about the power of the many. People are more likely to continue with a business if they too are finding success. A trainer shows people in a team how to multiply/replicate their teams.

Areas of Development: In the trainer stage of your networking growth many individuals start to expand their education in networking. This is often a category where significant effort is spent on more advanced understanding of networking. This is not necessarily a learning stage of the opportunity you are in, but more a stage of learning about networking in general.


Managers normally have larger teams (not always so) who they help through early stages of their networking career through to trainer level. Managers quite often are the keepers of a wealth of information that they can email to their teams with the push of a button. They maintain a contact database of their teams, key information on each team member, and an understanding of each person’s goals and why they wanted a home based business.

The manager role in an organization is important and they coordinate many different opportunities for the larger organization. For example, a manager is quite often the individual who will book speakers, events, and advise on different promotional and education material. They are usually a wealth of information on most topics including: products, company, networking, recruiting, tax, and just about every other topic in between. They often have extensive libraries of books, CDs, DVDs, and promotional material.

The manager is often also the individual in an organization that helps with any problem areas in a team or business plan. A good manager is someone who is able to keep their team on an even keel with focused goals.

They are the control center for networking teams.

Areas of Development: Managers are normally developing their databases of information for their team. They research current books on networking (all topics), and the wealth of information on the worldwide web for their team.


Oh, I can hear it now…”So what makes a Leader?”

Leaders, typically, are visionaries. They are individuals who have learned about networking from experience (good and bad). They are people who motivate, build and inspire their organization.

Leaders are not necessarily individuals who are looking at order but more likely to like dis-ordering things. They are individuals who are inspiring their teams “out side of the sandbox”. There are two types of leaders:

• A Conceptual Thinker leader is an individual who will lead with ideas and concepts that are unique and attract a following.
• A Charismatic Leader is an individual who through his/her force of personality will attract a strong following.

Leaders are often the people who are on conference calls, sizzle calls, public speaking and can also be authors, bloggers, creators of promotional material (i.e., training DVDs, CDs).

Leaders see most things as opportunities. They are not afraid of failure but are more inclined to see things more from an enlightened or learning perspective.

True leaders differentiate themselves by motivating and inspiring their team. They are not about control, they want to “breath oxygen into their team”.

Areas of Development: Leaders typically are life-long learners. They are sponges for information and ideas.

Love this quote by Arthur Rimbaud

“The poet makes himself a visionary through a long, a prodigious and rational disordering of all the senses. Every form of love, of suffering, of madness; he searches himself, he consumes all the poisons in him, keeping only their quintessences.”

-Tom Sparrow