Tuesday, June 26, 2007

What is ENVY?

Of all the 7 sins I grapple with, the most intriguing one for is envy..there's lust(my no 1), wrath(a close 2nd),gluttony(not anymore,maybe my pandaaram cousins),sloth(yah,occasional),greed(hmm..) and pride(maybe..not sure)..

I am sure i would have gone through the 6 before at any point of time..the only time i felt greedy abt something was still,food..which led to gluttony,and the excees pounds I have since trying to lose...as for pride, my 1st real job's 1st month salary, i blew you on a Mont Blanc pen,thinking that i can finally be showing off,yield so much of emtyiness..but it's a helluva writing instrument so no real regrets really(i've lost it since and the person who took it,God bless)

But this thing ENVY..what does it feel like to be envious? i understand that it can lead to bitterness..so how does it feel really? The last time i used the word envy was to my friend,who recently lost his dad. I told him i envied his relationship with his father,something i don't have..the feeling was sadness..didn't feel bitter..so is that envy?

I asked one of my friends who's good in English..Jealous and Envy have different meaning..that's why they say jealous lovers and not envious lovers. Does envy lead to being ambitious and being competitive?

This is what the wikipedia says:
Envy is an emotion that "occurs when a person lacks another’s superior quality, achievement, or possession and either desires it or wishes that the other lacked it."[1] At the core of envy seems to be an upward social comparison that threatens a person's self-esteem: another person has something that the envier considers to be important to have. However, what is envied could also be something that is only of personal importance to the envier, even if what the other person has is of little significance in his or her society, or even seen as a sign of inferior status. If the other person is perceived to be similar to the envier, the aroused envy will be particularly intense, because it signals to the envier that it just as well could have been him or her who had the desired object. .

The word jealous is often used to describe an envious state. In its correct usage, jealousy is the fear of losing something to another person (a loved one in the prototypical form), while envy is the pain or frustration caused by another person having something that one does not have oneself.

It still doesn't explain what emotions one will go thru..anyone out there with an explanation,welcome to do so

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Courage-Fearful but doing it anyway:Part II

I wrote this at 2:37am on Good Friday..cos i can't contain the excitement and i wanna take this time to glorify my Lord J.C.

Under this same title few months back, i wrote "watch this space"..

3 months with no pay, and with perseverance and hardwork, and God-filled grace, i've finally hit my road to aviation. have got my 1st client Qatar who had send me their order form for a programme I'm doing in Dubai. Another airline on the way.And I just came back from jakarta with a meeting wz garuda..They were a tough client but it's a wait and see game now..nevertheless, my faith and God's grace will flow and flood the gates now, cos that's what faith does.

It's not by my strength or intellect that has got me my 1st deal..All glory goes to God, and my 1st baby step into the aviation world has begun. I would have never imagined myself talking to 6 captains in a room, telling them how to run their airline, but i did.And i hope many more to come.

Thanks also goes to my friendsters friends like Karen, Rati, Beena and Radha(who probably are the only people who reads my blogs..did i forget anyone else?), who have been constantly encouraging me..I will never forget those who have walked with me thru the bad times.

Part III, coming up..wait for it!

Airplane or Helicopter

What is an Airplane?

It is an aircraft aerodynamically designed to stay in the air. It wants to stay in the air. And the aviator has to control its directions to where he wants to go, with a reasonable amount of ease.

What is a helicopter?

Quite the opposite to an aircraft, literally. One would notice that that's the only aircraft without an auto-pilot, so the aviator has to keep his hands on the aircraft, ALL the time. The helicopter is designed to , well, actually crash! And the aviator has to do the best to keep it up in the air.

Singlehood is like the aircraft..soar away freely into the horizon on a whim and a fancy

Marraige is like the helicopter...Enough said!

Courage-Fearful but doing it anyway:Part I

Oprah said that..

I'm back to finally being my own boss. It's a scary thought cos i lost $30k the last time(and still paying for it!) in 2001 when i had my own company in IT consulting, called the nx-era

Well, it's the next era alright, for me. But the last 4 years, if it has taught me anything, is to be courageous. It has changed my mental models, many times actually. Thing is, change is constant, and if you choose to accept it, it will always be easier to face your obstacles.

And oh yes, remember also, that every cloud has a silver lining. And that it's always dark before dawn. Why do i say this? On 23 Nov 2006, I had only $2 in my pocket, an event repeated exactly in 2001. Of course, this time I was working for a company.

Enough is enough. Now is the time to take the bull by it's balls, and face the world, and make something out of it.At least, I wanna cause a dent in the universe.

Watch this space...........


I had a dream last night..it's was a beautiful quotation.

"Let go of the past, without regret...

Live the present, without repression...

Look forward to the future, without regression..."

It's almost poetic... Sometimes it's the recollection of the past that will hold one back..if memories fail, then it's the people around you that would remind you of the mistakes that you have made in the past..people tend to forget that we don't necessarily regress but make at least, slight progress.

Live today, as if its the last day.Don't repress energy, feelings,love.

Look forward to the future...growing everyday in knowledge,love,relationship, without any regression.

Wow! I just love my dreams, and how God talks in His own special way.

WHY I WANT TO BE A PILOT?written by a 5 year old

When I grow up I want to be a pilot because it's a fun job and easy to do. That's why there are so many pilots flying around these days.

Pilots don't need much school. They just have to learn to read numbers so they can read their instruments.

I guess they should be able to read a road map, too.

Pilots should be brave to they won't get scared it it's foggy and they can't see, or if a wing or motor falls off.

Pilots have to have good eyes to see through the clouds, and they can't be afraid of thunder or lightning because they are much closer to them than we are.

The salary pilots make is another thing I like. They make more money than they know what to do with. This is because most people think that flying a plane is dangerous, except pilots don't because they know how easy it is.

I hope I don't get airsick because I get carsick and if I get airsick, I couldn't be a pilot and then I would have to go to work.