Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The Secret - The Law of Attraction

Finally, tracked down the video, for your pleasure. You can also download the book plus other books at a fraction of a price at this site http://www.freelawofattraction.com

Just be careful what you wish for!...:)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Power of the Mind

For the past few days, all i have been reading or hearing from someone, is the power of visualisation.

Just yesterday i came across a video, which physicists talk about energy emitting from us, and with that, we can "transfer" or "invite" energy..

Everything, and i mean EVERYTHING is energy..if you take any object and look under the microscope, you will see particles in constant vibration. Whether it's your hand, or a table, or wall, and yes, even money..

And just with the power of the mind, you can change the situation you are in..let me explain.

If you are in debt, and just looking through your bills, u feel depressed, and that sends out this "energy signal", and you WILL be more in debt.

But start thinking that you have abundance,start visualising that you will be out of your debts, and having more and more money, your new car, house etc, and just remain positive,....the results will shock you!

This study is just not done by psychologists alone, but nuclear physicists!

I needed something a little more "spiritual" answer, and the bible does say "ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find"..what more apt solution is this!!!

Believe in yourself, get rid of all negative thought, speak and feel in abundance, and all things good shall be added unto you!..Amen!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Traits of a Millionaire

1) A legal mind or the ability to cut to the core of a problem or take charge of a situation quickly

2) The habit of positive action

3) Hardwork

4) Enthusiasm

5) A definitive objective

6) Mentally tough

7) Physically fit

8) Became involved

9) Give more than they take

10) Learn to motivate

11) Loyalty

12) Learn from adversity

13) Strong committment

14) Persistent

15) A risk-it-all attitude

16) Confidence

"Soft-Sell"-Tim Connor

Friday, August 10, 2007

A fragile world

The world that we live in, is fragile...

People have not spared a single thought of how they destroy the earth, a slow but sure death...

Think about it...The fuel that we use today will be exhausted in our lifetime. I had a good laugh when our NDP had a segment abt the futureand being green and shit.. and what better way to show, then a Lamboghini cruising, a gas guzzler..Talk about the irony..

And the times that we live in, kith and kin will mean no value. In times of trouble, they probably would not even hesitate to kill you. With a knife good, but they can kill with words, and that too, is a slow death...

A fragile world..a slow death..

Friday, July 27, 2007

Fighting your demons!

My friend Cat recently quoted an article by Michael Lee, about "facing your Giants"

But before you face your giants, know who your demons are...

Giants are things you can see.. your demons?..you can't

Because what you are fighting is not something you can see, but what is within you.

One of the most common "demon" is self-doubt.I dare say it could be the mother of all demons. I will tell you a little later on perhaps.

Believe it or not, self doubt is instilled at a very young age. A child doesn't know what is fear, and actually have a lot of self belief. Don't believe, notice what a baby does when it looks at something unfamiliar..maybe an insect or a dog. The 1st thing instinctively it does, is to grab it. Fear is self taught. Because of fear, you will "wonder" if u can touch the dog the next time, cos' it just nipped the poor thing's hand. Teach the baby that it's ok to feel pain, and that u can outgrow the pain, and there will be no fear.

So fear leads to self doubt, and vice versa..

Only 2% of the world's populations go against the grain of what the world tells you to do. The world tells you that you can't break the "speed of sound" barriers..IT'S IMPOSSIBLE..that's the phrase that's often heard. "IT CAN'T BE DONE"..another famous statement..and this is often repeated by the 98% people..and what do they do? They are definitely NOT the movers and shakers. They are not the people who can cause a dent in the universe!

And, with all due respect, you may be falling into this category..and the one who's writing this(thou he's fighting his "demons" everyday)...

And the 2%? well, there are the entrepreneurs..notice i said entrepreneurs.. people who don't get caught in the grudgingly and seemingly routined lifestyle. Of course there are those who actually enjoy what they do, because, money is never the objective for them..i can name a friend who works as a waitress or travel agent for 6 months and travel the world for another 6 months(how she will retire,with some funds,is another question)..so that's another less than 1% pe the total population.

Do you know what stops them from their destiny? Their destiny for greatness, all for the glory of God?

Fear..and self doubt..

If you fight these 2 demons, then you are on your road destined for greatness, for the glory of God.

Because my motto is, i want to touch and impact people's lives...and i wanna be in that 2% elite team, where fear or self-doubt will not thread.

What is your destiny?

What are your demons?

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Some words of Wisdom..

There was a one hour interview on CNBC with Warren Buffet, the second
richest man who has donated $31 billion to charity. Here are some very
interesting aspects of his life:

1. He bought his first share at age 11 and he now regrets that he started too late!
2. He bought a small farm at age 14 with savings from delivering newspapers.
3. He still lives in the same small 3-bedroom house in mid-town Omaha,
that he bought after he got married 50 years ago. He says that he has
everything he needs in that house. His house does not have a wall or a fence.
4. He drives his own car everywhere and does not have a driver or security people around him.
5. He never travels by private jet, although he owns the world's largest private jet company.
6. His company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns 63 companies.
He writes only one letter each year to the CEOs of these companies, giving them goals
for the year. He never holds meetings or calls them on a regular basis.
He has given his CEO's only two rules. Rule number 1: do not lose any
of your share holder's money. Rule number 2: Do not forget rule number 1.
7. He does not socialize with the high society crowd. His past time
after he gets home is to make himself some pop corn and watch Television.
8. Bill Gates, the world's richest man met him for the first time only
5 years ago. Bill Gates did not think he had anything in common with
Warren Buffet. So he had scheduled his meeting only for half hour. But
when Gates met him, the meeting lasted for ten hours and Bill Gates
became a devotee of Warren Buffet.

9. Warren Buffet does not carry a cell phone, nor has a computer on his desk.

His advice to young people: "Stay away from credit cards and invest in yourself and
A. Money doesn't create man but it is the man who created money.
B. Live your life as simple as you are.
C. Don't do what others say, just listen them, but do what you feel good.
D. Don't go on brand name; just wear those things in which u feel comfortable.
E. Don't waste your money on unnecessary things; just spend on them who really in need rather.
F. After all it's your life then why give chance to others to rule our life."

Also another nugget:
BY:Robert Hunt

Napolean Hill said

"There is one quality that one must
possess to win, and that is
definiteness of purpose, the knowledge
of what one wants, and a burning
desire to possess it." No truer words
were spoken, but lets break it down a
little more. I think most successful
people would agree with the above
statement. Those that have succeeded,
by most standards in life, can
probably identify with what Napolean
Hill said. But what are some of the
qualities successful people share that
we can point to as a common thread?
I've decided to focus on 5 of these
traits. There are certain to be more
but these tend to be the most commonly

1. You get whatever you think about
the most. Famous successful people
from history bear this out. Roman
Emperor, Marcus Aurelius said, “a
man’s life is dyed by the color of his
thoughts,” and the Buddha commented
that, “All that a man is comes from
his thoughts.” Whatever you think
about most consistently and with
purpose and emotion tends to expand…
discipline your mind to focus
predominantly on what you desire in

2. An attitude of gratitude will take
you a long way. Melodie Beattie
said, “Gratitude unlocks the fullness
of life. It turns what we have into
enough, and more. It turns denial into
acceptance, chaos into order,
confusion into clarity.... It turns
problems into gifts, failures into
success, the unexpected into perfect
timing, and mistakes into important
events. Gratitude makes sense of our
past, brings peace for today and
creates a vision for tomorrow.” Be in
awe of all the good you have already
created in your life and the more you
are grateful for that - the more that
will flow freely into your life.

3. Take full responsibility for the
emotional state that you choose to
embrace each day.You choose your
emotional state each and every day.
Believe it or not, no one can make you
feel anything you do not want to feel.
You are the captain of your thoughts,
so decide to embrace those emotions
that propel you toward your stated

4. There is never any scarcity of
opportunity, but rather there is only
scarcity of resolve to seize the
opportunities that knock on our door
every day. Scarcity does not exist
unless we choose to embrace it…
therefore, it is better to never
embrace scarcity only embrace the
possibility for abundance.

5. Trust yourself to make the right
decisions. By doing so, you trust in
the very wisdom that created you. Dare
to become a no limit person and
abandon the idea of focusing on
limitations. You already are complete,
whole and perfect. Trust in the
perfection of your life.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The paradoxical truth

Have you ever helped someone?

All of you would have at any one point of time or another...

Donated money?


Both acts seems normal, and mostly widely accepted as good deeds. Whilst that's the truth, it just may not be absolute.

Allow me to draw a picture for you.

The bible says "let not your left hand know what is your right hand giving"..in fact, that is precisely the meaning of philantrophy. However, world leading billionaires have made it public about what they do and where they give the money, most of the time not denying themselves the publicity. So what's their main motive..of course, with all due respect, they do want to help people. I mean, come on, what are you going to do with that shitload of money.But helping may NOT be their main motive.

Let's come closer to home..

When i was going through a bad patch of time, i've had friends who helped me..2 groups..one who gave money so indiscretely that i didn't know where the money came from. One even slotted money into my shirt(you know who you are!!)..and there are those who gave money in full view of others.

The 1st group, of course, is pretty obvious. They just don't wanna have the attention, whilst the others need it..so what's the truth?

Even compassion works in the bi-polar...Some even act on compassion in seasons..but that's another blog altogether

I for one, have always,almost always, have accepted things at face value,the way they are..but the underlying truth behind every action, is no more the absolute truth

Almost everything, has a motive..

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

What is ENVY?

Of all the 7 sins I grapple with, the most intriguing one for is envy..there's lust(my no 1), wrath(a close 2nd),gluttony(not anymore,maybe my pandaaram cousins),sloth(yah,occasional),greed(hmm..) and pride(maybe..not sure)..

I am sure i would have gone through the 6 before at any point of time..the only time i felt greedy abt something was still,food..which led to gluttony,and the excees pounds I have since trying to lose...as for pride, my 1st real job's 1st month salary, i blew you on a Mont Blanc pen,thinking that i can finally be showing off,yield so much of emtyiness..but it's a helluva writing instrument so no real regrets really(i've lost it since and the person who took it,God bless)

But this thing ENVY..what does it feel like to be envious? i understand that it can lead to bitterness..so how does it feel really? The last time i used the word envy was to my friend,who recently lost his dad. I told him i envied his relationship with his father,something i don't have..the feeling was sadness..didn't feel bitter..so is that envy?

I asked one of my friends who's good in English..Jealous and Envy have different meaning..that's why they say jealous lovers and not envious lovers. Does envy lead to being ambitious and being competitive?

This is what the wikipedia says:
Envy is an emotion that "occurs when a person lacks another’s superior quality, achievement, or possession and either desires it or wishes that the other lacked it."[1] At the core of envy seems to be an upward social comparison that threatens a person's self-esteem: another person has something that the envier considers to be important to have. However, what is envied could also be something that is only of personal importance to the envier, even if what the other person has is of little significance in his or her society, or even seen as a sign of inferior status. If the other person is perceived to be similar to the envier, the aroused envy will be particularly intense, because it signals to the envier that it just as well could have been him or her who had the desired object. .

The word jealous is often used to describe an envious state. In its correct usage, jealousy is the fear of losing something to another person (a loved one in the prototypical form), while envy is the pain or frustration caused by another person having something that one does not have oneself.

It still doesn't explain what emotions one will go thru..anyone out there with an explanation,welcome to do so

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Courage-Fearful but doing it anyway:Part II

I wrote this at 2:37am on Good Friday..cos i can't contain the excitement and i wanna take this time to glorify my Lord J.C.

Under this same title few months back, i wrote "watch this space"..

3 months with no pay, and with perseverance and hardwork, and God-filled grace, i've finally hit my road to aviation. have got my 1st client Qatar who had send me their order form for a programme I'm doing in Dubai. Another airline on the way.And I just came back from jakarta with a meeting wz garuda..They were a tough client but it's a wait and see game now..nevertheless, my faith and God's grace will flow and flood the gates now, cos that's what faith does.

It's not by my strength or intellect that has got me my 1st deal..All glory goes to God, and my 1st baby step into the aviation world has begun. I would have never imagined myself talking to 6 captains in a room, telling them how to run their airline, but i did.And i hope many more to come.

Thanks also goes to my friendsters friends like Karen, Rati, Beena and Radha(who probably are the only people who reads my blogs..did i forget anyone else?), who have been constantly encouraging me..I will never forget those who have walked with me thru the bad times.

Part III, coming up..wait for it!

Airplane or Helicopter

What is an Airplane?

It is an aircraft aerodynamically designed to stay in the air. It wants to stay in the air. And the aviator has to control its directions to where he wants to go, with a reasonable amount of ease.

What is a helicopter?

Quite the opposite to an aircraft, literally. One would notice that that's the only aircraft without an auto-pilot, so the aviator has to keep his hands on the aircraft, ALL the time. The helicopter is designed to , well, actually crash! And the aviator has to do the best to keep it up in the air.

Singlehood is like the aircraft..soar away freely into the horizon on a whim and a fancy

Marraige is like the helicopter...Enough said!

Courage-Fearful but doing it anyway:Part I

Oprah said that..

I'm back to finally being my own boss. It's a scary thought cos i lost $30k the last time(and still paying for it!) in 2001 when i had my own company in IT consulting, called the nx-era

Well, it's the next era alright, for me. But the last 4 years, if it has taught me anything, is to be courageous. It has changed my mental models, many times actually. Thing is, change is constant, and if you choose to accept it, it will always be easier to face your obstacles.

And oh yes, remember also, that every cloud has a silver lining. And that it's always dark before dawn. Why do i say this? On 23 Nov 2006, I had only $2 in my pocket, an event repeated exactly in 2001. Of course, this time I was working for a company.

Enough is enough. Now is the time to take the bull by it's balls, and face the world, and make something out of it.At least, I wanna cause a dent in the universe.

Watch this space...........


I had a dream last night..it's was a beautiful quotation.

"Let go of the past, without regret...

Live the present, without repression...

Look forward to the future, without regression..."

It's almost poetic... Sometimes it's the recollection of the past that will hold one back..if memories fail, then it's the people around you that would remind you of the mistakes that you have made in the past..people tend to forget that we don't necessarily regress but make at least, slight progress.

Live today, as if its the last day.Don't repress energy, feelings,love.

Look forward to the future...growing everyday in knowledge,love,relationship, without any regression.

Wow! I just love my dreams, and how God talks in His own special way.

WHY I WANT TO BE A PILOT?written by a 5 year old

When I grow up I want to be a pilot because it's a fun job and easy to do. That's why there are so many pilots flying around these days.

Pilots don't need much school. They just have to learn to read numbers so they can read their instruments.

I guess they should be able to read a road map, too.

Pilots should be brave to they won't get scared it it's foggy and they can't see, or if a wing or motor falls off.

Pilots have to have good eyes to see through the clouds, and they can't be afraid of thunder or lightning because they are much closer to them than we are.

The salary pilots make is another thing I like. They make more money than they know what to do with. This is because most people think that flying a plane is dangerous, except pilots don't because they know how easy it is.

I hope I don't get airsick because I get carsick and if I get airsick, I couldn't be a pilot and then I would have to go to work.